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For a full CV or Resume Please Email Me!


Peer Reviewed Publications


Duffus A.L.J. and A. Sanders. 2024. A course based undergraduate research experience (C.U.R.E) using a viral emerging amphibian infection. The American Biology Teacher. 86(7):432-435.


Duffus, A.L.J., A.F. Tipton, M.L. Thompson, W. Tillet, J. Powers, D. Bartlett, and D.L. DeSantis. 2024. Ophidiomycosis in a timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus Linnaeus, 1758) with behavioral and thermal observations: a case report from Georgia USA. Reptiles and Amphibians. 31(1), e21443.




Duffus, A.L.J.*, D.F. Hughes*, A. Kautz, S.J.R. Allain, and W.E. Meshaka Jr. 2022. Repeated sampling of wild individuals reveals Ophidiomyces ophidiocola infection dynamics in a Pennsylvanian snake assemblage.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 52: 290-297

*Denotes co-first authors




Bartlett, P.L, T.M. Ward, D.E. Brue, A.K. Carey, and A.L.J. Duffus. 2021. Ranavirus infections in Wild North American Herpetofauna: A Brief Review. Journal of North American Herpetology.


Duffus, A.L.J. 2021. The Chytrid Blinders 2.0: How are we doing? Journal of North American Herpetology.


Brunner J.L., Olson, D.H., Gray, M.J., Miller, D.L., and A.LJ. Duffus. 2021. Global patterns of ranavirus detections. FACETS, Ranavirus Research: 10 years of global collaborations.




Ballard, D.R., Davis, A.J., Fuller, R.B., Garner, A.R., Mileham, A.D., Serna, J.D., Brue, D.E., Harding, C.M., Dodgen, C.D., Culpepper, W., Piatt, B., Rosario, S.E., and A.L.J. Duffus. 2020. An examination of the core Iridovirus genes for reconstruction Ranavirus phylogenetics. FACETS, Ranavirus Research: 10 years of global collaborations.


Brown, J.M., Travers, S.K., Dodgen C.D., Duffus, A.L.J., and A. Davis. 2020. Spatio-temporal expression pattern analysis of anterior Hox genes during Zebrafish embryonic development reveals divergent expression patterns from other teleosts. Georgia Journal of Sciences. 78:1



Allain, S.J.R., and A.L.J. Duffus. 2019. Emerging Infectious Disease Threats to European Herpetofauna. Herpetological Journal.  29:189-206


Duffus, A.L.J., Garner, T.W.J., Nichols, R.A., Standridge, J.P., and J.E. Earl. 2019. Modelling ranavirus transmission in populations of common frogs (Rana temporaria) in the United Kingdom. Viruses 11:556 (Special Issue on Iridoviruses)

Walker, T., Coursey, C. and A.L.J. Duffus. 2019. Low dose of Abilify (Aripiprazole) in combination with Effexor XR (Venlafaxine HCl) resulted in cessation of lactation: A case report. Clinical Lactation. 10:56-59.


Duffus, A.L.J. 2019. An emerging amphibian infection as a model for teaching phylogenetic reconstruction. The American Biology Teacher. 81:32-39.



Rijks, J., Saucedo, B., Brunner, J. L., Hick, P., Lesbarreres, D., Duffus, A. L. J., Ash, L., and R.E. Marschang. 2018. Report on the 4th International Symposium on Ranaviruses. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery. 28:13-18



Duffus, A.L.J., Fenton,H.M.A., Gray, M.J., and D.L. Miller. 2017. Investigating amphibian and reptile moralities: A practical guide for wildlife professionals. Herpetological Review. 48:550-557.


Duffus, A.L.J., Garner, T. W. J., Dean, A.W., Davis, A.R., and R. A. Nichols. 2017. Phylogenetic analysis of 24 Ranavirus isolates from English Amphibians using two partial loci. Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Virology.


Gray, M.J., Duffus, A.L.J., Haman, K.H., Harris, R.N., Allender, M.C., Thompson, T.A., Christman, M.R., Sacerdote-Velat, A., Sprague, L.A., Williams, J.M., and D. L. Miller. 2017. Pathogen Surveillance in Herpetofaunal Populations: Guidance on Study Design, Sample Collection, Biosecurity, and Intervention Strategies. Herpetological Review. 48:334-351.



Adams, N.A., Duffus, A.L.J., and J. C. George. 2016. Modelling Ranavirus epidemiology in common frogs (Rana temporaria) in the United Kingdom via recurrence relations. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications. 77:25-29.


Newman, L., Duffus, A.L.J., and C. Lee. 2016. Using the Free Program MEGA to Build Phylogenetic Trees from Molecular Data. American Biology Teacher.  78:608-611.



Duffus, A.L.J., Nichols, R.A., and T.W.J. Garner. 2014. Experimental evidence in support of single host maintenance of a multihost pathogen. Ecosphere. 5(11):142.


Duffus, A.L.J., Nichols, R.A., and T.W.J. Garner. 2014. Detection of a frog virus 3 –like ranavirus in native and introduced amphibians in the United Kingdom in 2007 and 2008. Herpetological Review. 45:608-610.


Orton, F., Baynes, A., Clare, F., Duffus, A.L.J., Lazzore, S. and T.W.J. Garner. 2014. Body Size, nuptial pad size and hormone levels: potential non-destructive biomarkers of reproductive health in wild toads (Bufo bufo). Ecotoxicology. 23:1359-1365.



Docherty-Bone, T.M., Ndifon, R.K., Nyingchia, O.N., Landrie, F.E., Yonghabi, F.T., Duffus, A.L.J., Price, S., Perkins, M., Bielby, J., Kome, N.B., LeBreton, M., Gonwouo, N.L., and A.A. Cunningham. 2013. Morbidity and Mortality of the Critically Endangered Lake Oku Clawed Frog (Xenopus longipes). Endangered Species Research. 21:115-128.


Duffus, A.L.J., Nichols, R.A. and T.W.J. Garner. 2013. Investigations into the Life History Stages of the Common Frog (Rana temporaria) Affected by the Amphibian Ranavirus in the United Kingdom. Herpetological Review. 44:260-263.


Duffus, A.L.J. and A. M. Andrews. 2013. Phylogenetic Analysis of a Ranavirus Found at a Site With Recurrent Mortality and Morbidity Events in Southeastern Ontario, Canada:  Partial Major Capsid Protein Sequences Alone are not Sufficient for Fine Scale Differentiation. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 49:464-467.



Lesbarrères, D., Balseiro, A., Brunner, J., Chinchar, V.G., Duffus, A., Kerby, J., Miller, D.L., Robert, J., Schock, D.M., Waltzek, T., and M.J. Gray. 2011. Ranaviruses: Past, Present and Future. Biology Letters. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0951


Fernández-Loras, A., Hidalgo-Vila, J., Hermosilla, C.,García, G., López, J., Duffus, A.L.J., Cunningham, A.A., and V. Roca. 2011. Preliminary health screening and possible pathogen determination in a Bufo bufo population. Journal of Natural History, 45:1-14.



Duffus, A.L.J. and A.A. Cunningham. 2010. Major Disease Threats to European Amphibians. Herpetological Journal. 20:117-127.


González-Hernádez, M., Denoël, M., Duffus, A.L.J., Garner, T.W.J., Cunningham, A.A., and K. Acevedo-Whitehouse. 2010. Dermocystid infections and associated skin lesions in free living palmate newts (Lissotrition helveticus) from Southern France. Parasitology International. 59:344-350.



Duffus, A.L.J.  2009. The Chytrid Blinders: What Other Disease Risks to Amphibians are we Missing? EcoHealth. 6:335-229.


Acevedo-Whitehouse, K. and A.L.J. Duffus. 2009. Effects of Environmental Change on Wildlife Health.  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 364:3429-3438;



Duffus, A.L.J., Pauli, B.D., Wozney, K., Brunetti, C.R., and M. Berrill. 2008. FV3-like Infections in Aquatic Amphibian Communities. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 44(1): 109-120.



Duffus, A.L.J. and D.H. Ireland. 2006. Rana sylvatica (Wood Frog) Terrestrially Amplexing Pairs. Herpetological Review. 37(4):449.

Other Selected Publications 


Ash, L., Marschang, R., Riks, J. and A.L.J. Duffus. 2020. The Fourth International Symposium on Ranaviruses: Summary of North American Herpetological Content and Points of Interest. Journal of North American Herpetology.  2020(1): 29-31.


Duffus, A.L.J. (2020) Low to No Cost Undergraduate Research: Mentoring Biology Students When Resources are Scarce. Engaged Student Learning: Essays on Best Practices in the University System of Georgia Vol. 2. University of Georgia Press.  Pp. 60 – 61.



Duffus, A.L. J., P. Johnson, V.G. Chinchar, M.J. Gray and T.B. Waltzek. 2017. Third International Symposium on Ranaviruses: Advancing the Understanding of the Threat of Ranaviruses to North American Herpetofauna. Journal of North American Herpetology. 2017(1):34-36.



Duffus, A., Brunner, J., and M. Gray. 2015. An Update From the Global Ranavirus Consortium. FrogLog, 116:18.


Johnson, P., and A. Duffus. 2015. Third International Symposium on Ranaviruses. FrogLog, 116: 16.


McGuire, J., and A. Duffus. 2015. Herp Diseases: What do you see? Indigo Magazine, Fall, p. 30-37, The Orianne Society


Duffus, A.L. J., Waltzek, T.B. and M.J. Gray. 2015. The Third International Symposium on Ranaviruses. The Wildlife Society, Southeastern Section Newsletter. 57:41.



Duffus, A.L. J., Marschang, R.E., Waltzek, T.B., Miller, D.L., and M.J. Gray. 2014. The Global Ranavirus Consortium and Third International Symposium on Ranaviruses. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery. 21:6


Duffus, A.L.J., Gray, M.J., Miller, D.L., and J.L. Brunner. 2014. Second International Symposium on Ranaviruses: A North American Herpetological Perspective. Journal of North American Herpetology. 2014(1):105-107.



Duffus, A.L.J., Gray, M.J. and J.L. Brunner. 2013. Formation of the Global Ranavirus Consortium. FrogLog 106:7



Duffus, A., and D. Olson. 2011. The Establishment of a Global Ranavirus Reporting System. FrogLog 96:37.


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